Thursday, January 19, 2012


My main topic is "baby sign language." Possible subtopics include "language confusion" and "bi/multilingualism."

As I search for a focus for my project I wonder about the following questions (ordered as they came to mind).

1. What are the benefits of teaching sign language to hearing children? 
2. How do children learn language?
3. What is language confusion? Does it occur only when children learn two spoken languages or also when learning sign language in conjunction with a spoken language?
4. What are the benefits and challenges of multilingualism?
5. How does knowing sign language help children learn in other areas? 
6.What is the long-term impact of baby signing?
7. How do you teach a baby to sign? 

I really want to focus on the benefits of teaching children to sign. How does learning sign language carry over to other areas of social and cognitive development? Does knowing sign language help children's acquisition of a spoken language? By focusing on these questions I think I will also gain knowledge of teaching strategies and bilingualism, though these will be supplemental to learning the influence of signing with children.

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